MTB Cross Country


MTB Raiffeisen South Tyrol Cup 2024 - #1 in Panchià (TN)

Start in the village centre. The race takes place in the woods to the north of the village. After the start, the route goes uphill on a gravel road and then on a meadow path into the woods, passing between trees and trails and crossing a stream.
Length approx. 4.5 km per round with return on field or meadow path.

Scheduled start times and number of laps:
10.30 Uhr: Juniores (4) - Open (5) - Master men all (4)
12.15 Uhr: Esordienti 1+2 (2) - Donne Esordienti 1+2 (1)
13.00 Uhr: Allievi 1+2 (3) - Open Damen (3) - Master Woman (3) - Donne Allieve (2)

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