Beat Hauser: the "2011 Project" is complete!


Beat Hauser and his "Project 2011"


55,000 kilometres
510 Mountain passes
735,000 metres of elevation
180 kilometres daily average
2,400 metres of altitude daily average
7.5 hours daily average

"I could already consider my project finished on 1 November. So I can calculate this daily average on 10 months.
So I can show a considerable daily average. Looking back, I can say, I would not do a repeat of this endeavour under any circumstances. The daily 7.5 hours required an extreme amount of substance, where I reached my limits a few times. Always with the thought in the back of my mind, there's no giving up, I just got back on my bike every day to get my workload down.
Thanks to my three-month stay in Gran Canaria, I was able to get a good head start. Since I had to go back to work in April, I cut back my cycling time to just under 7 hours. At the weekends, it was about 9-10 hours.
I think I know South Tyrol pretty well by now.
Weekend tours have always brought a bit of variety into my monotonous everyday cycling.
Without the support of my family, such a project would be unthinkable. Many times they were able to motivate me when I was tired and mentally weak."

© Photo & text: / Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibited

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