Granfondo Internazionale Campagnolo


Granfondo Campagnolo 1999 in Feltre


The approximately 2,800 participants in the Gran Fondo Campagnolo in Feltre had no reason to complain about the hot temperatures.
The starting shot was fired at 7.30 am in pouring rain. Albert Rinner, Marcello Paternoster and Martin Giovanazzi were once again in the race. Due to the cold and wet weather, the three of them opted for the shorter distance of 92 kilometres. They had to conquer 1,900 metres in altitude. Albert and Marcello were able to keep up with the leading group right from the start. In the end, Albert crossed the finish line in 10th place with a time of 3h3min. A few minutes later, Marcello crossed the finish line in 18th place. But Martin also had a good race. In his first road bike marathon, he was able to leave many riders behind him and finished 86th with a time of 3h34min.

(Gemeindeblatt from 25/6/1999)

© Photo & text: Andy Pichler / Dynamic Bike Team Eppan
All rights reserved - Reproduction without permission is prohibite

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